Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

The War Z Emulator - come free

The War Z Emulator - come free 1

The War Z Emulator - come free 2

Spoilerfor open:

Q: Whose Hammerpoint Interactive?
A: Hammerpoint Interactive is a startup game development company formed in early 2011 by industry veterans with decades of combined game development experience. Prior to forming Hammerpoint, members of the team worked on titles, such as Call of Duty BlackOps and BlackOps2, Star Trek Online, League of Legends, World of Tanks, Guitar Hero, MechWarrior (yes the old ones) and more. The team is currently working on two games - one of them being The War Z and another that has not yet been announced.

Q: Who's Arktos Interactive Group ?
A: Arktos Entertainment Group LLC is a Los Angeles based, private equity and investment company founded by Sergey Titov - ex Technical Director of Riot Games. The company funds cool game projects and also heavily invests in the development of next generation online game engine technology. We met them when we started doing contract development for Online Warmongers Group - a portfolio company of Arktos, and the developers of War Inc. Battle Zone, a free-to-play online shooter (you can check it out here - http://www.thewarinc.com ). At that time we were creating a prototype of War Z using UDK and when we got our hands on their own Eclipse engine we were super impressed. So when Sergey offered to back the development and provide the engine license, we agreed.

Spoilerfor open1:

The War Z is the world's first survival mmo in a zombie infested world. You may have played games before - now it's time to live one.

It's been five years since the outbreak; leaving in its wake a post-apocalyptic nightmare with ninety-five percent of the human population gone. In order to stay alive, you will need food, weapons, and other supplies. Some of you will be able to scavenge as you navigate the terrain, others will be forced to fight for survival as you encounter zombies and other players. Every decision will have an impact on whether you live or how quickly you die.

Spoilerfor open 3:

Forget subscriptions, forget paid DLC and expansion packs.

The War Z is as simple as this - once you install the game to your computer, you will be able to get into the game quickly and play without worrying about subscription fees, no hidden fees, and no paid updates. All updates will be seamlessly delivered to you free of charge when they're released.

Add AAA graphics and effects mixed with the ability to run even on integrated video cards or low end laptops and you have a unique, fun, experience that is available to everyone.

Spoilerfor open 4:

It's not easy to stay in touch with your friends in most games. This has been a key feature of War Z from the beginning. You are able to create a group, with friends, and then automatically join the same server together.
You will also have the option to rent and manage custom servers without leaving the game. Players can create either public or private servers, allocating reserved slots to their friends or group members.

Spoilerfor awas BIG:

The War Z Emulator - come free 3

The War Z Emulator - come free 4

The War Z Emulator - come free 5

The War Z Emulator - come free 6

The War Z Emulator - come free 7

Map :

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The War Z Emulator - come free 8


Spoilerfor :


0.) One Account Per PC (you will be automatically banned if you break this rule.)

1.) No Hacking / Cheating!

2.) No Abusive Language!

3.) No Racism / Descrimination!

4.) No Abusive Names!

5.) No Advertising!

6.) No Spam!

7.) Respect All Players!

8.) English Only in Global Chat!

9.) Don't beg Devs/GMs for free items!
Spawning items is prohibited unless testing an item--It will be removed immediately afterwards!)

10.) Report all Bug Reports in FORUMS!
Do NOT report over Global!


Link Download langsung dari webnya

Spoilerfor :


bintang ganti dengan AdF

VIDEO trailer dan gemplay

The War Z Emulator - come free 9

The War Z Emulator - come free 10

Cara mencapatkan senjata di the war z

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The War Z Emulator - come free 11

error cnd buka

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The War Z Emulator - come free 12


Buat yang Minat main bareng (BUKA)

Spoilerfor \:

Masuk aja RaidCall War Z Indonesia gan ^_^
Search (War Z Indonesia)
Atau pake http://www.raidcall.com/go.php?sid=5428618
w tunggu di RaidCall buat yang maw maen bareng

Download RaidCall dsni

Cara Instal:
1.Buka Installernya
2.Plih Languange English Lalu OK
3.Next,Next,Centang Kotak yang ada di bawah
4.Plih Tempat Penyimpanan Data RaidCall agan,Next
5.Tinggal Run

Cara Join Server War Z Emulator Indonesia:
1.Login pakai Akun Agan
2.Search nama Groupnya:WarZ Emulator Indonesia
3.Atau Langsung Klik Link ni aja kalo RaidCall agan udah ke instal http://www.raidcall.com/go.php?sid=5428618
4.Join deh,jangan lupa pake Mic biar gk ribet

Solusi Error RaidCall
1.Connection Failed Please Try Again Later Code:22(Login aja truss gan paksain tar jga bisa
2.Error code:426 Gak bisa Registrasi(Coba aja truss gan,kalo mang tetep gk bisa,coba regis di web nya RaidCall http://www.raidcall.com/signup.php


Yang mengalami error tolong coment - fast respond
twitter :@a_taqwin
facebook: Andi Taqwin
pin bb : 2605CD17

Spoilerfor :

soalnya ane kerja sendiri di thread ini gan Malu (S)maklum newbie

1 lagi

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Blue Guy Cendol (L)Blue Guy Cendol (L)Blue Guy Cendol (L)buat hilangi titik merah di profil gue Berduka (S)

Rate 5 StarRate 5 StarRate 5 StarRate 5 Star

MT selesai

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Download and install the game [Fast and Easy]

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Tips dan trik buat Bertahan hidup

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The War Z Emulator - come free 22

Perbedaan The War Z dan DayZ

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The War Z Emulator - come free 23

Gemplay The war Z

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The War Z Emulator - come free 24

Trailer Film (2013) World War Z

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The War Z Emulator - come free 25

Bermasalah pada saat Register ? minta CD key ?

Spoilerfor buka:


Info nafigasi Map di The war Z

Spoilerfor http://www.kaskus.co.id/show_post/50e183d85b2acf285300001e/133/:

TolongRate 5 StarDan SELAMAT TAHUN BARU GANUltah
Sekalian MintaBlue Guy Cendol (L)

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